I already wrote about what kind of potatoes to choose for mashed potatoes. But since this was more of a general look into the types of potatoes this is where I will try to get specific. I browsed the Internet looking for different suggestion – which potato variety is best for mashed potatoes. It seems that two most commonly used are Yukon Gold and Russets. And the general consent is that Yukon Gold is best. Why?

Bot Russets and Yukon Golds are starchy potatoes – that means lots of starch and less water. What does that mean? More starch means fuller potato cells which give fluffier texture.

But still, just comparing Russets and Yukon Golds,  Russets have more starch than Yukon Golds, which are more of all-purpose potatoes. And most cooks say they are best for making mashed potatoes. So if you can get them, try them. If not, don’t worry, your mashed potatoes recipe will taste just fine.