Since some people don’t like to use wheat flour, potato bread can be a great replacement even though most recipes still require you to use some flour. Potato bread can be found in many areas of the world. In addition to the United States, Germany, Ireland, the Ukraine, and even Peru are famous for this tasty and nutritious bread. The range from ‘regular’ style bread all the way to unleavened pita type breads.

It can be baked in an oven, on a griddle, or in a pan on top of the stove, but the simplest way is by using a bread machine. That doesn’t mean that baking it without a machine is complicated. This kind of bread contains complex carbohydrates that the body uses for energy and are released slowly into the system which is much better than a quick spike of blood sugar some foods give you.

If you bake your own bread the you must give potato bread a try, here are some recipes to help you out.

  • Transylvanian Potato Bread
    This is a heavy Eastern European bread, delicious and yeasty bread that makes everyday a special holiday.
  • Norwegian Lefse Fried Potato Bread Recipe
    Norwegian Lefse fried potato bread is soft and extremely versatile. Its unusual dough is shaped into large, thin circles and fried on a hot griddle.
  • Orange Potato Bread
    Fulfilling potato bread with an orange twist. Who would have thought oranges can be one of the very delicious flavors for potato bread! It’s quite unique!
  • Cheesy Potato Buns Recipe
    Try this recipe and get crusty golden-brown buns with amazing flavor and texture. Potatoes and cheese are perfect to make delicious buns for desserts.
  • Irish Fried Potato Bread Recipe From Scratch
    Irish Fried Potato bread is deliciously thin unleavened bread that can be a terrific addition to a fried breakfast. No need for baking just frying!
  • Blueberry-Sweet Potato Bread Recipe
    The delicate sweetness of blueberry and sweet potatoes are exceptional. Blueberry-Sweet Potato Bread is pleasing to your taste buds and pretty to look at. It’s not just a tasty bread, but also very healthy.
  • Cheesy Potato Casserole Bread
    Cheesy Potato Casserole bread is not the usual potato bread, it is more like a pot pie filled with potatoes, cheese, and milk!
  • Sourdough Oatmeal Potato Bread
    Sourdough Oatmeal Potato bread is best made if you have a bread machine at home! This is a yummy and healthy bread loaf with a unique sweet and sour taste that will fill your stomachs up!
  • Garlic-flavored Potato Bread Recipe
    This is a simple garlic-flavored potato bread. Potato bread is normally very soft and tasty; with other flavors added, it gives the loaf a whole new taste.
  • Potato Bread Sweet Cinnamon Rolls Recipe
    To all bread lovers and potato lovers, here’s a recipe that will soothe and please your appetite. Cinnamon Potato bread rolls are made from rich potatoes flavored with cinnamon and covered with icing! A sophisticated pastry dish yet worth your time and effort!